Founded in 2017, ArqueBios is a Espírito Santo company specializing in the management of preventive archeology projects and socio-environmental studies, with an emphasis on the licensing processes of various business segments, including: Mining Sector (ornamental stone mining; sand extraction); Civil Construction (subdivisions), Infrastructure (highway, airport), Energy Sector (SHP's, LT's; UTH's; Solar energy generation parks), Oil and Gas (Land seismic; pipelines); forestry and agriculture and other business modalities.
With the goal of transparency, ethics and sustainable-qualitative vision of projects.
“Socio-proprietária da Arquebios, a pesquisadora Dionne Azevedo é graduada em História pela UFES; Especialista em Arqueologia Brasileira pela Faculdade Redentor em parceria com o IAB e, atualmente, mestranda em Arqueologia pelo programa de Pós-graduação em arqueologia do MAE/USP. É arqueóloga credenciada junto ao IPHAN desde 2015, atuando em trabalhos de consultoria técnica na área de Arqueologia Brasileira, com ênfase no estado do ES e estudos socioambientais.
Além disso, é uma das sócio-fundadoras do Instituto de Pesquisa Arqueológica e Etnográfica Adam Orssich - IPAE (http://ipaearqueologia.org.br/), atuando, como um dos membros da diretoria do Instituto desde o ano de 2014, desenvolvendo diversas atividades de fomento e promoção da pesquisa arqueológica no estado do Espírito Santo.
Specialized Archaeological advice and consultancy
Elaboration of FCA's
Elaboration and execution of projects of evaluation of Impact to the Patrimony
Archeological (Prospective Diagnosis)
Elaboration and execution of archaeological monitoring programs
Elaboration and execution of management programs for Archaeological Heritage (Archeological Rescue / Rescue Program)
Heritage Education
Special projects in the area of promotion and preservation of the Brazilian cultural heritage (ethno-historical survey; records of archaeological sites and others)
Environmental Management and Advisory
Regularization of Rural Properties (Rural Environmental Registry - CAR and Registration of Legal Reserve)
Environmental Licensing of Activities and Enterprises
Environmental Studies required in Licensing: - EIA / RIMA - Environmental Impact Study and Report - RCA - Environmental Control Report - PCA - Environmental Control Plan
Environmental Survey and Diagnosis
Preliminary Environmental Assessment and Environmental Feasibility Study
Environmental Monitoring, Control and Mitigation Projects, Plans and Programs
Recovery of Degraded Areas and Environmental Compensation
Environmental Monitoring and Rescue
Waste and Effluent Management
Socioeconomic Studies
Participatory Diagnosis of Environmental Perception (DPPA)
Environmental education
Other Environmental Services: Topographic, Bathymetric, Geoprocessing, Neighborhood Impact Study - EIV, Atmospheric and Noise Levels Studies.
+55 (27) 3026 1734 +55 (27) 9985 11912
Avenida Nossa Senhora da Penha,1495
SALA 504 Torre Ed. Corporate Center
Vitória -ES, Brasil Cep 29.056-905